Bushfire performance audits

Red Eagle audits your bushfire management arrangements by running severe flame and ember attack scenarios at your fuel bed and infrastructure defences. As we do this, we remove the mystery and the fear from bushfires, and you gain a higher understanding of bushfire behaviour and risk management.

We explain what happens and why, in user friendly terms.

We show you visually using our Bushfire Attack Recognition technique.

We count how many houses are currently exposed to flame or ember attack.

We check the goals of your plan – we particularly look for its design capability target
We assess whether the plans, strategies and actions will achieve these goals. If fact, by this stage, you will be able to answer this question yourself.

Next, you will be able to re-establish your goals and work with us to revise plans, strategies and actions.

You will  therefore have determined what type of bushfire attacks you allow or disallow in each area and what houses or assets are exposed or not exposed