Currently, the Bushfire Management Overlay (BMO) laws and policies are in a fluid state. Changes have occurred and will continue to occur. There are currently some 5000 rejected BMO applications. Red Eagle continues to work with government to ensure the end result is based on valid science and is fair and just. We can reassure you that even though policies come and go, valid science, logic and common sense will eventually prevail.

Do not forget that the legal starting point for building in bushfire areas comes from the Building Act. It requires that the minimum BAL in bushfire prone areas is 12.5. The BMO planning laws then continue the journey, requiring a calculation process to determine defendable space and BAL based on an artificial wall of flame in nearest vegetation, ie, within 100m plus. The planning department assures us they use the best science. The key words are calculation, science and process. If the process and equations and science are valid, the planning laws are well based.

Red Eagle calls on the 5000 to apply again. Come to us. Our starting point is always to assess actual bushfire behaviour and actual bushfire threat. The Royal Commission’s clear objective was aimed at “substantially restricting development in the areas of highest bushfire risk”. So … let us check your actual risk level. We use scientific and legal argument to progress your application.