Bushfire behaviour expertise

Red Eagle uses specialist techniques that are user friendly and cost effective:

On a property:
Flame height maps
Flame height, layer by layer. Flame height can occur in 3D in forests and shrub lands.
Flame threat maps shows impact of flame radiation and flame contact

Surrounding areas:
BAR Technique (Bushfire Attack Recognition)
The BAR technique shows the types of bushfire attack your town or neighbourhood can expect on a worst case weather day and which houses are exposed to each.
It allows scenario testing – how many less houses are exposed when different fire protection works are done

We explain flame behaviour in user friendly ways. We explain what they mean to you and how to manage them.

Bushfire threat diagnosis

Red Eagle explains the source and scale and type of bushfire threats expected on your property from surrounding regions.

Accurate threat diagnosis is essential for neutralising the impact of bushfire attack.

The most common cause of damage is heat and the source of heat is the size, duration and proximity of the flame. The source of flame can be the fire front or ember attack.